My hometown for the next 5 months..

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hot in the City

This past week we have had a huge heat wave go through the city and I have been finding it VERY hard to be indoors at work while I see people on the street walking by in their bathing suits. Speaking of work, I finally feel as though I have settled into my position. These last few weeks have consisted of lots of new information and some frustrating days. But I am actually starting to feel as though I am getting the hang of it and am gaining a little bit of confidence in my serving abilities. I have come realize though, that working in the F and B department is not something I want to do in the future. I am much more interested in how the Guest Relations department runs and operates. Saying that though I think it is very useful that I am getting this experience now and am learning to fully understand how a restaurant works and how it all plays into the operation of the entire hotel.
Okay enough about work. With the weather being so so nice this week I did manage to go to Hyde Park on my day off and soak up some sun. It was only a short tube ride over (10min) and then just couple min walk from the tube station. Although somewhere in those 2 blocks I somehow managed to get lost and had to ask someone for directions. I am so thankful for having a Canadian accent when it comes time to ask for help of any sort, whether its directions or asking for recommendations for a good place to eat. Because people here seem to love it! People I work with tell me that the Canadian accent comes across really friendly and genuine sounding. Yay for us  Anyways once I finally made it in the park, I was shocked at the shear size of it. It stretches over 600 acres and is full of trees, manmade lakes and jogging trails. It really is beautiful. It was packed full of people, which made it prime “people watching” conditions for me and I was quite content sitting out in the sunshine, eating my gelato and just relaxing.

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